What a treat to get this today! As always, your writing is delicious. And that recipe! I'll be making that one next week, when I'm back from caring for a beloved family member and my husband has been eating solo for the weekend. And yes, I both love to eat with my hands and talk to our cats. They don't bother talking back because they're too appalled by my table manners. xo!

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what we need is dinner for two next time I'm in NY! xx

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YES PLEASE!! You know where to find me! Xo 💖

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What a great post. Personal but really useful to the reader.

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merci! Don't hesitate to share your own favorite solo recipes. I'm always looking for inspiration!

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Elizabeth, I love these ideas, especially for the multiple uses of roasted chicken! I hope that your son is so happy in his new school, he is an amazing young man, and I wish him every joy in life.

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Thank you so much. I think the supermarkets might have to stock more roasted chickens next week!

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Elizabeth, it is so nice to hear from you!!!

There are similarities: I am also an empty nester for 2 years now and it took me a while getting used to shopping for and eating by myself!! On occasion I invite friends since eating is a social experience that needs to be shared…. I even started to cook for my 3 musketeers: Marley (dog 16 )🐕y/o, Zuni 🐈(cat 5) and Max 🐈‍⬛(cat 3)since I did some research on kibble and canned pet food…

Anyhow I love your recipe. Eating lots of salad with fish (Wild Alaskan) and chicken, fruits and Mediterranean food like hummus, tzatziki , kibbeh. Following the fast metabolic diet and lost 12 lbs…. Love my wine, though!!🍷

Love to eat with my hands as well…

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Chicken Tikka Masala with Buttery Naan!

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yum. the naan with raisins, that's my weakness.

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I read this just before I went out to shop for my solo weekend of eating! The first thing I will pick up now is a broiled chicken. Your writing is wonderful and reminds me what a warm, curious and creative person you are. Merci pour tes idées. J’espère que ton fils s’épanouit dans sa nouvelle école! Enjoyer de l’amour.

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Hi Sheila - It was so inspiring to see him head out to boarding school, leaving a school that was as special for him as NMH was for me, ready to spread his wings towards other things! I even dug out the letter my mom wrote to me before I left for NMH, to pass along some good advice. Love to you and the greater NMH family!

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I was talking to another teacher today and I told her about your books and delicious recipes - showed her your books on Amazon and now she is so excited to read your books and try your recipes. I know she will enjoy both as much as I do! ❤️

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